Numbers Don’t Matter, Influence Does

The importance that people and brands place on follower counts or the impressions their content receives is grossly overvalued. I can’t say numbers don’t matter, but the value everyone places on
Apr 28, 2016

Public Relations: The New Home of Content & Social Media Marketing?

When most people think about what public relations agencies do, they picture media relations, industry exposure and...well...lots of press releases. The reality is that the public relations industry has
Apr 27, 2016

Social Media Is Too Important to Be Left to the Marketing Department

When customers need help, they expect companies to offer it quickly and through multiple social media channels — but most companies aren’t set up to do that. Some companies increase their
Apr 26, 2016

How to Sell Cars with Facebook

Sales Pros: If you’re not selling at least 2-6 cars off Facebook a month, you’re doing it wrong. Dealerships: Suppose you have 10 people on your floor and they sell 2-6 cars extra, each – Facebook is time well spent. ” Quit taking pictures
Apr 21, 2016

Video Content is King on Social Media

There have been many digital marketing articles stating that video content is important. It definitely plays a strong role in humanizing a business - if customers can see the "face" of the company via a video,
Apr 13, 2016

Use Your Strongest Social Media and Build From There

While every business would likely love to be prominent on all social media networks, many that attempt to do so quickly experience burnout. It is possible to have a fully developed presence on the various
Apr 11, 2016

Employees and Social Media: Minefield or Major Opportunity?

There's a lot of discussion happening right now in nearly every dealership about employees and social media, and whether to encourage employee participation in social media and content marketing
Apr 4, 2016

5 Ways to Sell More Cars on Social Media

Facebook has eclipsed its first decade in business and Twitter has joined it in the upper echelons of hot, publicly traded companies, marketers in the automotive industry are continually pondering if social media really helps them sell more cars. It
Jul 15, 2015

Humanize Your Online Presence

The use of social media is becoming mandatory for dealerships. Prospective clients are looking for local dealers’ Facebook pages; they’re searching YouTube for product comparisons and even asking friends across social platforms for recommendation
Jul 6, 2015