Hard Facts: It’s About Damn Time! [VIDEO]

Google has recently wrapped up two new updates. Cross-device remarketing is definitely something that has been needed for businesses. It will now allow you to advertise
Oct 7, 2016

Autodisrupter Episode 11 – Transparency [EXCLUSIVE VIDEO]

Our customers want us to be transparent. Are you?
Sep 30, 2016

Hard Facts: What’s the Deal With Google RankBrain? [VIDEO]

Since 2015, Google has been using something called Rankbrain, and it was used to process and deliver more relevant and organic search results. How? It was even a mystery to Google!
Sep 23, 2016

Autodisrupter Episode 10 – One Price, Haggle or Both?? [EXCLUSIVE VIDEO]

On this episode, I am talking about the One Price vs Haggle Price and can you have the best of both worlds.
Sep 23, 2016

Use Attention and Intention to Increase Sales to Women

Most everyone understands that creating new habits is difficult. Time, attention and review are necessary parts of developing successful strategies. This applies to increasing sales to women for your dealership.
Sep 22, 2016

5 Ways Omnichannel Is Destroying the Auto “Retail Store”

In the United States, the ultimate retail store was the car dealership. It was, in fac,t the only place you could go buy a new car a few years ago.
Sep 22, 2016

Phone-Ups that Show-Up

Every time I ask a group, whether it be dealers or salespeople, what the goal of a sales call is they tell me it’s to “set an appointment.” No, it’s not! Let me explain with two scenarios.
Sep 22, 2016

Social Selling for Beginners: 10 Actions to Look Like an Expert

Everyone wants to be remarkable. Every salesperson wants to be the ONE who customers choose, over and over again. But many salespeople are lost with today’s technology.
Sep 19, 2016

Hard Facts: How Adblock Plus Can Benefit Your Business [VIDEO]

Adblock’s new mission is to replace bad ads with good ones. But what is a bad ad? It could be too big, too ugly, or too intrusive. Although right now it’s in Beta and is likely to be rolled out later this year,
Sep 16, 2016